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La semaine du Golfe - Morbihan

European Maritime Heritage Village

European Maritime Heritage Village

Right Rive - Vannes

From Wednesday 17 to Sunday 21 May 2023

  • European Maritime Heritage Delegations

- Arzana Venise

City state in the Divine Comedia of Dante, Arzanà (Arsenal) is the shipyard’s previous name of Venice Republic. Today, this non-lucrative association objective is to rescue, study and preserve the Venetian naval heritage.

Founded in 1992 during “les Fêtes maritimes de Brest”, Arzanà is composed of thirty members along with collaborators and supporters. The last twenty years, the Association has saved from the destruction about fifty traditional small boats of all kinds (fishing boats or wooden boat, sailing boat or rowing boat). It has also purchased equipment, tools and other objects which have an historical and ethnographic interest from squèri (work site) and from craftsperson who no longer work. At the end, this legacy is meant for the Museo nazionale della Civiltà dell’acqua, which should see the light of day in the previous buildings of the Arsenal. A huge part of Arzanà’s collection comes from salvage, accidental discoveries or private donations. The association deals with an old shipyard mentioned for the first time at the 15th century and active until 1920. Its collection is extremely diverse: barche da seragiànti, batèle, batelóni, bragàgne, bragozzi, sciopòni, topi, puparìni, gondolas (one from the 18th century) or replicas as well as other kinds of boats which no longer exist and are sometimes the only copy of their type. 

Ten of those ships, restored according to traditional methods, are kept operational and are made available for members and supporters as part of cultural initiative.

Venice 45° 26' 23'' North – 12° 19' 55'' East - 1.485 kms from Vannes

▶ Exhibitions on local heritage
▶ On the water : 1 gondolino



FRCPM Nord Pas de Calais – Picardie

Founded in 1986, the Regional Federation for Maritime Culture and Heritage coordinates research, conservation, restoration and animation actions in favour of the maritime heritage of the Nord Pas de Calais. From the Belgian border to the Bay of the Somme, it brings together some forty associations, museums and people concerned with protecting and promoting the culture of their coastline. For more than 20 years, the FRCPM has been carrying out or supporting inventory actions, conducting rescue operations or rebuilding traditional boats. It has encouraged the development of several museums and maritime events on the Opal Coast (in particular the maritime festivals of Boulogne, Calais and Dunkirk).

▶ Exhibitions on local and regional heritage
▶ Animations and demonstrations of marine savoir-faire


Aventure Pluriel – Méditerranée

Aventure Pluriel

Created in 1995, "Aventure Pluriel" now brings together a hundred or so enthusiasts of the sea and traditional wooden boats. Its primary objective, the preservation of maritime heritage, is implemented in a restoration yard at the bottom of the Campanette valley where Latin-rigged barques from Marseille, auric cutters, musketeers, small dinghies and large cruising yachts are restored every day. The members of the group meet regularly on board the association's boats and those of the members to experience timeless sailing. An ambitious programme of activities is offered throughout the year. The association participates in numerous meetings of old sailing ships in France and abroad, develops actions within the framework of Handisport, and provides shared or collective boats to make the sea accessible to all. The "CaraMed" (Mediterranean Caravan), with the partnership of the Alpes Maritimes, was our first guest of honour in 2007... and at each edition, Thierry Pons and his cheerful team have succeeded, at the end of an epic expedition, in sailing their pretty Latin sails in the Golfe.

▶ Reconstruction of a "Cabanoun", a fisherman's cottage in Provencal costume
▶ Demonstrations of fishing techniques, traditions and the Provencal language
▶ Tasting of "socca" and rosé from Provence

▶ On the water :  the latin sails "Catalina" (BIP), Corsican boat, "La Bette" 6m60, "Inch'allah" 6m60, "Athos", musketeer n°1, in oar sail "Maitika, the wild one", 3m60 having taken part in all the "Semaine du Golfe", "Panthère noire" and "Bella Stella", pointu de plaisance, the 2 shared boats.

- Belderrig Currach – Irlande

County Mayo in the north-west of Ireland, and in particular Achill Island, is a cradle of the age-old tradition of curraghs. Around James Cahill, who has assembled an exceptional collection of these boats in Clew Bay, a group of enthusiasts has developed a genuine ethnographic approach aimed at reviving the maritime history and culture of this rugged coastline and its hardy fishermen. These talented animators seduced the visitors with the curraghs reconstructed live on the quay or sailing on the water and with the Irish space, a real "small ecomuseum" where peat is burnt, traditional dishes are cooked and old Irish songs are sung in chorus...

▶ Reconstruction of a late 19th century fisherman's house with animators in costume, objects and scenes of daily life (culinary and craft traditions)
▶ Exhibition, in French and English, on the curragh and its role in Irish maritime activity and mythology
▶ Exhibition and animation on Celtic languages
▶ Traditional Irish music and song

▶ On the water : 2 curraghs "Dhún Chaochain" and "Thruir Dhún Chaocháin

Belderrig Currach

Escale à Sète – Golfe du Lion

Escale à Sète

The "Escale à Sète" Association has been organising the event of the same name every two years since 2010 around the Easter weekend, with a success that has continued to grow (10,000 visitors at the first edition, 438,000 in 2022). This festival is now the largest maritime festival in the Mediterranean basin. Created by Wolfgang Idiri, an oboist by trade, and musicians from the Languedoc jousts, "Escale à Sète" proudly claims to belong to the Golfe of Lion and the Etang de Thau. From the outset, the event has been driven by a constant concern for authenticity, respect for a very strict ethical charter, and the desire to involve local actors in the tangible or intangible heritage of Sète and the Occitan region... This is why, alongside the "international tall ships" which headline the event and guarantee the arrival of a large family audience, the festival promotes traditional boats, fishing, marine carpentry, nautical jousting and other maritime traditions, and gives pride of place to music and Sétois gastronomy.

▶Exhibition of photos and objects mounted and hosted by Raymond Dublanc and the photographer Magali Mondange, two enthusiasts of the maritime heritage of Sète
▶ Workshops and live demonstrations of marine carpentry and seamanship
▶ Demonstrations of traditional jousting on a cart and fun initiation
▶ Music, songs and parades in full dress with oboes and drums


Cronaves – Croatie


With its 5835 km of coastline and 698 islands, Croatia is an eminently maritime nation whose Roman and Byzantine heritage, as well as the Venetian influences on its Dalmatian coast, explain the exceptional richness of its architectural, artistic and marine heritage... The Cronaves Association (Association for the Promotion of Croatia's Maritime Heritage), founded in 2010, is based on the movement to safeguard and promote maritime culture that emerged, particularly in Dalmatia, in the aftermath of the war in ex-Yugoslavia. Dozens of traditional boats have been restored or rebuilt to their original condition and numerous gatherings and regattas take place several times a year, in particular on the island of Murter and the Palagruza archipelago.

▶ Exhibition on the maritime heritage of Dalmatia with the Maritime Museum of Stari Grad (island of Hvar) and models of traditional boats
▶ Tasting and sale of local products (olive oil, wines, salted fish, dried figs, etc)
▶ On the water  : 2 gajetas, rigged in latin sails : 
Mila from island Prvić and Zora from village Malinska 

Albaola – Pays Basque

Located in Pasaia (Basque Country) in an old renovated shipyard, the "Faktoria Albaola" is an impressive maritime museum, open and alive, about the Basque whaling tradition, a school of naval carpentry where trainees from all over the world are trained, and a fabulous shipyard where the 16th century whaling ship, the "San Juan", built in Pasaia and shipwrecked in the bay of Red Bay (province of Labrador) in 1565, is reconstructed identically. The museum tour tells the story of the Basques who hunted whales on the Canadian coast and melted their blubber to obtain the precious oil used as fuel. The Canadian government found the wreck of the San Juan and carried out an exemplary underwater excavation that made the front page of National Geographic in 1985. Based on these exceptional historical and scientific discoveries, and with the official sponsorship of Unesco, Albaola was able to undertake the exact replica of the ship on the very spot where it was born 450 years ago and to show the complete construction process with the tools, materials, techniques and gestures of the time.

▶ Exhibition on the replica of the "whaleboat San Juan", a 16th century ship, currently under construction on the site of "La Fabrika" in Pasaia
▶ Small shipyard where structural parts of the San Juan are made
▶ The frame of an authentic 16th century Basque whaling boat 
▶ Music


Odyssée Dordonha

Odyssée Dordonha

The Dordonha Odyssey is an event that aims to promote the natural, cultural and agricultural heritage linked to the Dordogne River (landscapes, gastronomy, know-how, legends, languages, etc.), through an event that brings back to life the history of the barges and the scullers. From 8 to 16 April 2023, a traditional gabarre, driven by the sole force of the arms of the members of the Confrérie des gabarriers, will descend from Argentat-sur-Dordogne to Libourne, at the gateway to Bordeaux. Once in Libourne, the gabarre will be handed over to a sailing boat, a Lougre named "Corentin", to sail back to Brittany and take part in the maritime event "La Semaine du Golfe du Morbihan", in Vannes. The descent of the gabarre will be punctuated by events organised by the towns along the river.

▶ Itinérances Dordogne Valley stand themed by territory

▶ On the water : the Corentin, (visible at the Port of Vannes every evening)

Experience the Perigord attitude : Thursday 18th May (6 p.m - 10 p.m)

The programme will include presentations of the various products, culinary activities and musical entertainment ....

Philippe Mesuron, ambassador of FOIE GRAS DU PÉRIGORD, culinary columnist FRANCE 3 NOUVELLE AQUITAINE, culinary host Maison LE MARQUIER and Philippe Escaich (finalist) of Masterchef will sublimate the products by hosting a culinary show. 

The event will take place from 6 p.m to 10 p.m at the Terrasse du Cloître - Espace Montcalm - 55 Rue Mgr Tréhiou, 56000 Vannes.


Périgord attitude


  • The counter of maritime heritage associations 

L'œuvre du Marin Breton - Almanach du Marin Breton, L'Office du Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel, l'association des Amis des Grands Voiliers, la Société nationale pour le patrimoine des Phares & Balises, le Festival de Loire...

Textile partner since the 10th edition, MOUSQUETON has designed a range of marine clothing in the colours of the Semaine du Golfe 2023.

Chasse-Marée Bookshop Partner of the Semaine du Golfe since the first edition, the Chasse-Marée, the magazine for lovers of the Belle Plaisance and Maritime Heritage, will present its classic editions, special editions, and collector's editions, including the famous beautiful book of La Semaine du Golfe, 20 years of Maritime Passion, reissued for the occasion.

  • "Du Vent Dans Les Pages" 

An operation of the bookshops "Au Jardin des Bulles" and "Lenn Ha Dilenn" presenting about thirty maritime and Breton and local authors. They will welcome authors of novels, children's books, comics and travel books about the sea. Each day, authors will be signing their books in front of the temporary bookshop and will meet their public.

  • Environment area: the Gulf of Morbihan and its biodiversity 

Scientific, technical and entertaining presentation of the Gulf of Morbihan and its natural and living heritage. In partnership with the Regional Natural Park of the Gulf of Morbihan, by the French Office of Biodiversity, Bretagne Vivante, the National Nature Reserve of the Marais de Séné and the local branch of Vigipol.

  •  Our Media Partners 

France Bleu & France 3 Bretagne, Chasse-Marée, Voiles et Voiliers, Ouest France, Le Télégramme and its tour caravan

The Festival d'Arvor team will offer you musical entertainment around a friendly and festive bar and snack area!

Activities for young people, to be experienced with the family...

  • Ludothèque of Vannes - Jeux des Petits Marins 

The games library will host a free games area, on the theme of the sea and boats. Fun games for the whole family: fish throwing, sea imaginary, boat regatta. Numerous board games available to the public, for all tastes and all ages...

  • A game on maritime safety 

In association with Jean-François Pierson, children will be able to learn about buoyage and basic navigation rules in the Gulf of Morbihan. Thanks to its pretty wooden models, turrets, lateral and cardinal buoys, channel poles, port entrance lighthouse. Children will be seasoned sailors while having fun!

Neptune / racing yacht 18,30m 

In the wake of the 1977 Whitbread! Neptune - Winning with Parkinson's is a major sporting project: to take part in the Ocean Globe Race, a round-the-world race with stopovers in the spirit of the famous 1973 Whitbread, which will set off in September 2023. 

Ici la legende

Tara, Under the Pole, Energy Observer, Elemen'Terre and Guirec Soudée's new adventure: five 21st century marine odysseys for the planet. Whether scientific, technological or human, these expeditions have at least two things in common: they study the effects of climate change by exploring the oceans or seek to raise public awareness of their preservation. The third is that we are partners with these new explorers!

Left Rive - Vannes

The "Papa Poydenot": a sailing/rowing lifeboat built in 1900, renovated in 1990 at the Pichavant shipyard in Pont l'Abbé, classified as a historical monument, can now be seen in its shelter at the foot of the Eckmühl Lighthouse, at the tip of Penmarc'h. Come aboard "Papa Poydenot" to discover the history of sea rescue by the SNSM, the action of the courageous Penmarchese rescuers. During the day, from the harbour office.

© Jos Le Doaré
  • SNSM Stand - National Sea Rescue Society

365 days a year, the SNSM Sea Rescuers are ready to rescue you. Give them the means to continue saving lives. Support them by making a donation! Help save lives.

  • The Vénête, the replica of the Vannes ship!

Passionate about ancient history, the people of Vannes from the association Mor er Wenedis 56 have as a project the construction of the famous boat of the battle of the Vénêtes, an epic naval battle in 56 BC immortalized by Julius Caesar in "De bello gallico".

The activities of the association are centred around its objectives: to make known and live the tradition of the sinagots.


Animation for the general public: can you imagine sailing like in prehistoric times? On the slipway, a dugout canoe will be carved out of a trunk, animal skins stretched to reinforce the boat... Get your hands dirty by helping the members of the Koruc association, by testing the gestures and techniques of other times. During the day, at the left rive slipway.



Auray Quiberon Terre Atlantique
Breizh Cola
Compagnie des Ports du Morihan
Crédit Agricole du Morbihan
France 3 Bretagne
France bleu Armorique
Golfe du Morbihan Vannes Agglomération
Golfe du Morbihan Vannes Tourisme
Le Télégramme
Leroy Merlin
Morbihan Tourisme
Ouest France
Paysages de Mégalithes
PNR Golfe du Morbihan
Région Bretagne
Ville de Vannes

Semaine du Golfe 2025 - PIBS, 10 rue Henri Becquerel, Bâtiment IRUS - 56000 VANNES - FRANCE
contact@semainedugolfe.com - Tél : +33(0)2 21 02 56 20

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