Lapwing (Vanneau en Fr) is a 45% model of a working boat from Tancook Island in Nova Scotia, Canada. These boats were used in the late 19th century as all purpose Island boats; ferry, freight transport, fishing etc.
The hull is double ended with a long straight keel and with two masts this type is schooner rigged. Around Tancook Island, the sea conditions are 'North Atlantic' and the tides are close to the largest in the world, so these boats were developed to be seaworthy as a priority. The name 'Whaler' is thought to refer to the double ended hull shape, since there was no whaling industry on this island.
On Lapwing, both mainsail and foresail are rigged as lugs. There is a small quadrant centreboard, which is also true to the type. Lapwing is lightly built in epoxy /ply and in order to achieve the displacement needed, she has water ballast.
Lapwing is for sale at 3,500 Euro, available at the close of Gulf Week '25.
Chichester, England.
Plywood / Epoxy
Flottille D - Petite Plaisance Traditionnelle "non pontée" (anciennement 3)