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La semaine du Golfe - Morbihan
      • ILE D'ARZ

      • Arz Island is 3 km from tip to tip and home to a beautifully diverse coastal landscape.
      • ILE D'ARZ
      • Arz Island is 3 km from tip to tip and home to a beautifully diverse coastal landscape. A ferry service runs regularly to the island from the Conleau Peninsula. The island is a distillation of the Morbihan itself with ancient megaliths, astonishing plant-life, enduring maritime traditions, beautiful houses, delightful hiking trails... Arz is a yachting destination without equal and a great place for young sailors to learn the ropes. The Arz Tuesday can't be missed!


      • En savoir Plus
        Site Internet de l'ILE D'ARZ

        Site Internet de l'ILE D'ARZ

They support us

Golfe du Morbihan Vannes Agglomération
Auray Quiberon Terre Atlantique
Ville de Vannes
Compagnie des Ports du Morbihan
Crédit Agricole du Morbihan
Région Bretagne
Morbihan Tourisme

Breizh Cola
Leroy Merlin

Ici TV Radio Digital
Le Télégramme
Ouest France
Paysages de Mégalithes
Golfe du Morbihan Vannes Tourisme
PNR Golfe du Morbihan

Semaine du Golfe 2025 - PIBS, 10 rue Henri Becquerel, Bâtiment IRUS - 56000 VANNES - FRANCE
contact@semainedugolfe.com - Tél : +33(0)2 21 02 56 20

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